Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fantasy in a whole new light...

During one of those lazy Saturday afternoons, a startling revelation occurred when an episode of "Legend of the Seeker" happened onto the television, and the whole episode played out without a single challenge to fight the hour of "precious" T.V. time...

What happened to all those lower budget, or otherwise lesser known fantasy series that seemed to spark from the shadows of quiet Saturdays and the murky realms of lost Sundays?

These series may not have had the special effects of quality motion pictures, highly trained "A" class actors, breath-taking scripts that would leave you mesmerized waiting for the next blissful episode the following week, or even stories that were remotely folkloric like new chapters of the Iliad, but... in the end... It was impossible to just turn the channel...

Simply put...




These shows were a LONG time coming, where the only outlet for the forgotten Fantasy genera was found in a fleeting card game, known at that time, as "Magic", the only memorable publishers that could attract great writers from nowhere was a little company called TSR, a growing underground vision of what was to become at a little fireside hearth in the Red Dragon Inn, seemingly hundreds of lost warriors and wizardry in the stand alone - Ultima saga, and the last meeting grounds for talented minds were in the autumn Renaissance faires that became more and more endangered.

True, some of these were just spawning, one from the other in a vicious pool of inundating mire that vexed the swelling tide...





Hats off to the lost pioneers of what would become the Peter Jacksons and the Harry Potters of today. If these small chapters were not written they may have not created the necessary "fodder" that would feed the boiling cauldron of what was to be.



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